Online Watch Party for Sounds of Silence Film Series: Nosferatu
Thursday, May 14
7:00 p.m.
Via Kast
In celebration of It’s Alive! Classic Horror and Sci-Fi Art from the Kirk Hammett Collection, the CMA has partnered with The Nickelodeon Theatre and Wired Music to bring you a unique silent film experience at home. Join us on Kast for a screening of Nosferatu with music accompaniment of original works by George Fetner and other Wired Music musicians. Fetner introduces the film with a brief discussion of what it was like to score a silent horror classic.
The stream is hosted on Kast, a free watch party service available for Google Chrome browsers or via a free desktop application for Mac and PC computers. You can download the app here.
Create an account and scroll down to click the "Join Party" button. Then just log in Thursday, May 14, by 7 p.m. (EST) and enjoy the show. Space is limited for this event, so be sure to sign up and secure your spot.