Japan on Screen: Departures
August 15, 2019
8:00 pm
Meet us on Boyd Plaza for a Japanese film series curated by Dr. Yoshitaka Sakakibara, who taught Japanese film and culture for more than 20 years at USC. In celebration of Mimi Kato: Ordinary Sagas, these screenings touch on themes Kato brings to her artistic practice, including navigating gender roles and corporate culture. Bring your own lawn chairs or come early to snag one of our new pieces of inflatable furniture.
Departures (2008) is a drama about a newly unemployed cellist who takes a job preparing the dead for funerals. Japanese with English subtitles. Rated PG-13. 2 hours and 10 minutes.
Free. Complimentary popcorn. Cash bar with beer, wine, sake, and coffee from Curiosity Coffee Bar. This project is supported by a grant from the Knight Foundation Fund and by a Connected Communities grant at Central Carolina Community Foundation.