FAAAC Annual Meeting: Celebrating Marjorie Hammock
June 6, 2024
5:00 pm-8:00 pm
The Friends of African American Art & Culture is dedicated to celebrating, displaying, and educating others about Black art. This CMA affinity group is actively involved in programming events that reflect Black art through exhibition sponsorship and through entertaining live events that have recently included Black storytelling, museum tours, outdoor line dancing, Black art Pokeno, and conversations with artists and Black art collectors. This year FAAAC’s annual meeting features a celebration of life for Marjorie Hammock, a treasured member of the Columbia art community who was an avid art collector, museum supporter, and in many ways a work of art herself.
Celebrate FAAAC’s wonderful year of programming and the life of one of its most supportive patrons, Marjorie Hammock. Enjoy live jazz, start or add to your personal art collection through a silent art auction benefiting FAAAC and featuring original pieces by Black artists, and savor free refreshments by Entrees by Andre along with a cash bar.
Free. Registration requested to assist with catering estimates.
This program is sponsored in part by the Center for Civil Rights and Research at the University of South Carolina.