Creative Jewelry Design
Monday – Friday, July 10 – 14 | 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Ages 10 – 12
In this beginner jewelry-making camp, kids gain the primary skills to create their own wearable art, including making rivets, applying texture to metal, and even experimenting with cuttlefish casting and enameling.
Instructor: Allison Cicero Moore
$200 / $160 for Solo members and above. Priority registration for members only through Friday, February 17. Join today!
This class is sold out.
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Some camps for ages 7 – 12 have the Lunch Buddies option, which means these campers can stay all day from morning camp through afternoon camp. Lunch Buddies bring their own brown bag lunch, must be registered for both morning and afternoon camps, and pay a $25 fee.