

Karaoke hosted by Deborah Adedokun and produced by Palmetto Vibes


Silent Disco

Featuring back-to-back sets from Folk Tech and an outloud solo set by Maya Wang

Maya Wang seated on the floor wearing headphones, all black, and creeper boots


Art + Community

Take a Unique Perspective Tour through Darrel Ellis and Interior Lives with photographer and Experience Columbia SC Ambassador Crush Rush.

Go on a scavenger hunt through the CMA Collection with prizes from Mast General Store.

Check out live screenprinting from Turn90 of the official Arts & Draughts t-shirt designed by Cait Maloney

Find resources on LGBTQ+ and AIDS Awareness from SC Black Pride

Take part in live figure drawing with About Face Drawing Group with models' attire inspired by Interior Lives

Get billing in a diorama design station inspired by Interior Lives

Get graphic in a printmaking station with USC Printmaking inspired by the experimental work of Darrel Ellis

Our Story Matters Gallery open throughout

